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  • International Journal of Surgery and Reports

    Manuscript Submission Guidelines- International Journal of Surgery and Reports

    Title: The title should not be more than 30 words.

    Title Page: Manuscript title page includes the title, list the full author(s) including department, university, is mandatory. And the corresponding author details (Name, designation, department, university, live address with Telephone, Fax and Email address) should be provided in the manuscript.

    Cover Letter: The manuscript cover letter includes the contact information and affiliation of the corresponding author. A brief note of why the paper is appropriate for the journal. And the author can refer any reviewers.

    Image Submission: Images with high resolutions should be submitted by the author. Authors have to take full responsibility for copyrighted images during the submission and publication process. International Journal of Surgery and Reports is open access, peer-reviewed journal which publishes research/review/case reports/short communications/ commentaries/ image articles/ dissertations/ Letters to the Editor, editorials and opinion articles, etc., related to clinical and experimental aspects of research.

    Figures: Charts, photographs, and diagrams are all to be considered as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred.

    Figure Formats: The suggested formats are figures should be in bitmap formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc.).

    Figure Resolution: Images/figures should be submitted with high resolution. Authors are responsible for the copyrighted images/figures during the submission of the publication process.

    Figure Legends: All the figures should be should cite in the text and the legends for the images should be provided in the manuscript. And give the numerical values for each table like Figure 1.

    Tables: Authors are requested to include all the tables in the text at the end of the article with appropriate legends. Tables can be placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript, or on a separate page at the end.

    Symbols and Units: Columbus publishers follow the International System of Units (SI Units) and symbols should be used while referring to alpha (α), beta (β), mu (µ), pi (π) etc.

    Supplementary Material: Authors requested to submit supplementary materials if any and Submitted supplementary items are published exactly as they are received.

    Conflict of Interest: The conflict of interest statement should include at the end of the paper.

    Ethical Consent: Ethical statement is required in case of involving any humans or animals in the experiment.

    References: All the referred sources (i.e. peer-reviewed articles, books, websites, etc.) should be included in the Reference list.

    Article Processing Fee- International Journal of Surgery and Reports

    Columbus publishers is an online, international open access, peer-review journal. We do not receive funding, support from any private organizations/ government to run our organization. To maintain our organization in a good way, we charge article processing fee from the authors to publish their paper. We charge a processing fee to maintain published articles in online repositories. All our manuscripts are published in the most updated formats (HTML, PDF, etc,). The article processing fee varies from journal to journal.

    Type of Article Publication Fee Fee
    Research/Review $1499
    Case Report $1199
    Video Article $899
    Short Commentary/Communication/Book Review/Opinion/ Dissertation $499
    Letter to editor/Image Article $299

    Article Withdrawal Policy- International Journal of Surgery and Reports

    Authors can be withdraw his/her manuscript after submitting it to Columbus Publishers. To withdraw their article, we do not charge any processing fee, only if he/she withdraws it within a week from the day of submission. If an author withdraws their article after a week, then he/she will be asked to pay partial processing fee. Each article submission costs us (Columbus Publishers) certain amount along with overhead cost during processing. The submitted article editors decision and peer review process is completed (which can often happen within a week), and it has been worked into a journal current issue, we have sustain the costs on our end that need to be compensate. We ask authors to pay 20% of the original article processing fee in case of withdrawal

    For any questions or any discussions regarding article withdrawal/article processing fee, kindly contact us at: cotactus@columbuspublishers.com